User Feedback

I am not a fan of allowing comments on the blog or other pages in this site because of the inevitable troll and spammer factor. However, this feedback form should allow all others to communicate their thoughts on the site and offer any input or constructive criticism. All sincere feedback will receive a response, and any noted errors will be addressed with the necessary research to confirm them.

Answers to some questions can already be found here.

If you have a question or comment about the site, please use the space below to submit it. Also, as I am interested in growing the user community, I would greatly appreciate any testimonials that I can use in spreading word about how people use or interact with this site, or why they might like it. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to do this -- you would just choose Testimonial in the Reason for Writing area below.

Finally, if anyone is interested in any legitimate (non-spam) opportunities to sponsor one or more pages, there is a category for that, too.

Your Name:
Your E-mail Address:
Reason for Writing:
Your Feedback: